good morning from a rainy acapulco! well actually last week after i got done writing, we went and got our hair cut real quick, then rushed back home to get cleaned up and go to our lunch appointment. we saw the clouds getting really dark, but we thought we could beat them. as i was showering second, elder miller told me it started to rain, and then that it was coming down even harder, then even harder!! yup so hurricane beatrice hit, but it never formed a funnel or anything, but man did it rain hard, and blow a strong wind. im so sorry i forgot the picture we took. we live right at the bottom of the city, 3 small blocks away from the beach, and all the city is on a hill. so everything that hit above us(the entire city) came down and sat on our street(because it was the same level as the ocean)!!!! it actually took three cars in the ocean, one being a suburban, and killed four teenagers playing around the ocean. so as we were trapped in our house area, we went out into the street and cleaned out the flooded street, because trees, tires, etc were being thrown at cars coming, so we got in the street and pulled the stuff out when the cars werent there. it was seriously 2 feet of water, up to our knees!!! but it was fun and exciting. that night i put on sweats and my hoodie, and we just read scriptures all afternoon. what a day.. sadly everything exciting always happens monday night, or tuesday, and i have to wait a whole week to tell you about it...
well this week has been good. we worked hard, and completed our goal for the month of 50 new investigators, and it was a real excitement, because almost no one completes their goals. sadly the zone is still struggling, and hasnt improved yet. we have been waiting for a time to sit down and talk with the districts, but we just havent had a district meeting. last district meeting was flooded out, today, half the zone will be gone, so we wont have it, and next week is the last week of the month, and probably not many missionaries will be too focusd on learning, but just being changed like always.... so i hope we can make some kind of impact on the zone... well back to our area.
our two baptisms went really well this week, but only after a whole lot of stress. as we went to their house thursday morning, to teach about tithing, chastity, and review the baptismal questions with them, when we reveiwed the chastity question, elder miller asked where they had been married, and they said they were only living together, and that they had explained it to us, but neither of us caught that we had one day befor their baptismal interviews, and two days before their baptisms, so we didnt have much time to get them married. we went back home, and started looking what we could do, and found that some old missionaries had left us a form on how to marry someone in less than a day, and for only 400 pesos(less than 40 dollars). so we went the next morning and looked into it, but the lady in the registro civil didnt show up on time, but two hours late, so we were wigging out!!! haha we actually got it all done in less than an hour and a half, because we went with everything prepared, and elder miller and i split the pay, and will get reimbursed for it. so we got that all finished up, and they got married, and baptized without a problem. they are so great. and after the baptism, for some reason, the bishop wanted to talk with lenny, and it turns out that he wanted to ordain him to the aaronic preisthood. lenny accepted wholeheartedly, and was thrilled afterwards. more than one person has told us that he will be a leader someday, and i fully believe it. well thats all the great news that happened this week, even though its only two stories with a lot of detail. haha
well thanks everyone for your letters and prayers, and for staying in touch. i am trying to keep in touch with all of you, but please forgive me if im not doing so great at it. i do love you all, and im very touched by all you say and do for me. well my time is up.... thanks for everything, and for listening to my letters. love you all ,and hope yo have a wonderful week! especially joseph!!! love you bro.
elder brigham facer
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