well i have very little time right now, but i am a very happy man. first of all, because my little brother is going to be a missionary, and complete with what the lord god has called him to do, secondly for fathers day and my wonderful father figures that have helped me get to where i am, and thirdly, for alyssas birthday. so congratulations to everyone!
well here in acapulco, it started raining monday night around 2am and we went out to play in the rain a little bit. but then it went away and didnt come back till thursday, so it really heated up the ground and made it miserable. even while you are sweating, you feel like you are being poked by little needles all over your body, and it practically never left.... when the rains came thursday, we were ready, and we got drenched immediately. the day stayed cool, and was very refreshing. but sadly still not many people let us in. friday was super super hot as well as saturday, but now sunday afternoon is when everything got good! it started to get cloudy after church at 1130am, and then stayed that way until 4pm. then it started to rain so hard that if felt like hail, and you could barely see out of the front windshield of the car!(we got a ride home from lunch) it stayed rainy all the rest of the day, all night, and just right now it is cooling down and not raining as hard. they say that at times it starts raining for days continually and thats when flooding starts happening. by the way mom, about the scripture you sent me, after sending the letter last week and ``murmured´´ we read a talk by elder bednar in the conference of november 2008 about pray with faith. we learned that it is more important to give thanks in prayer than to ask for things, because god already knows our needs, desires, etc so there is no reason to ask. so elder miller and i started only saying prayers of gratitude, and asking for very very few things. we have really noticed a change in our attitude, and our blessings that we are receiving. so now i have repented for my murmurings and have started to give thanks in all things(1 nefi 18:16)
we had some really good success with finding new investigators this week, and ended the week with 15. almost no one went to church, except for the golden couple i told you about last week, lenny and brenda. they are so excited, and progressing so well. they have their baptismal date for this saturday, so ask that everyone pray for them, and that they will complete with their baptismal covenant. i just know they will, they are doing so great. brenda is having a few problems letting go of the virgin guadalupe(worshiping idols) but we are helping her get better at it, lenny is the bigger help, and really makes her pray to god at night in their family prayer.
im really sorry that all my time ran out, i had to read a lot from president spannaus, and write a few letters to family, but i did fill you all in on the most important things going on. next week, we have the leadership training for four days, so we wont have much to talk about next week, but ill give good details. thank you all for your letters, and your support and love. it really does my heart well to know that everyone is strong, and willing to serve the lord in all things.
just one last shout out for dad, happy fathers day! love you
love you all.
elder ``brigham´´ facer
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