i have a very good guess of what the scriptures say about never ending fire and torment, or a lake of fire and brimstone, as being hell. i think its talking about acapulco. the heat is so intense right now, we are just getting no relief. luckily, god is there to help us, and give us strength to keep going on. elder miller and i have thought about the poor missionaries about 50 years ago that started working here in acapulco, when there werent fans to help a little with the heat. poor poor missionaries. well we are doing really good if youre not talking about the heat. we are finding a whole lot more new people that are listening, and accepting baptismal dates to work with in the next month also. we found 15 in this week, and that is just what we need to stay on track to complete our monthly goal. well we only had two that went to church, but that is a good start, because they should be baptized before the end this month. they are lenny and brenda. just a young couple who are really interested and really enjoying everything. we found them on tuesday, and they have kept all their commitments, and are feeling really good. they are a reference from a quiet lady that works in a laundromat right in front of their house, and she told them a little about the church and invited us to talk to them. the lady is really excited that her neighbors are getting into it, and she is really getting excited to help in the missionary work.
well we had a very cool experience to help out some other missionaries this last saturday. president spannaus called us in the morning and said that some elders out in a little city in our zone were going to baptize, but there werent any priesthood holders that could be there to be witnesses of the baptism. it is a very farmy town, and everyone leaves town to work. their branch president is a teacher, and couldnt be there either, so he asked us to find a way that two missionaries could go. first of all we both wanted to go visit atoyac, because it is super beautiful, and we realized the other missionaries of the zone, also couldnt go... so we finished up our studies for the morning and left around 11am. its a two hour bus drive, and its horrible. i will try to send you a video of us suffering on there, but im not sure if it will fit in the email. there isnt air conditioning, and every stop in every pueblo a guy got on to play music and beg for money. i was hoping the trip would be nice to read the book of mormon, but i barely got to read.... atoyac is super beautiful, and the guy got baptized in a river, because in their house of prayer, there isnt a font. really cool, and the guy was super excited. he had already had a special interview with president spannaus, and was justy waiting his forgivness of sins! really cool. we got back, two hours later, and did another interview for the elders of centro, and had to go say we were sorry to our investigators, because we didnt have time to tell them we werent going to make it to the appointments... but everything worked out good. it was a good experience to go out to atoyac, because we really had to drop our own concerns and serve others, even though it was hard. very cool. well sadly my time is up, but thank you to all those who have written me, it has been especially nice to hear from shauna and her family. i encourage you to keep helping out with the lady in your ward, help her to stay active and regain her testimony of the atonement of the savior. the both of you will receive the greatest blessings. im not sure where the scripture is , but it says like the reaper and sower receive the same reward. the mission is great, there is nothing better i could be doing with my time, than serving the people in acapulco, and serving my master. i love you all, and pray for you continually.
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