Monday, July 25, 2011

Always Looking for Improvement

wow, a lot of letters to read! how nice. its good to hear from you all, relatives, and friends, and your experiences that are molding and changing you to be heirs in the kingdom of god. it really is a fun experience to see changes. as you had mentioned to me, mom, you have noticed a change in my letters etc. i have been able to start seeing the changes in a few of my converts here in acapulco, as well as some of the letters from home. activities in the church, keeping the commandments, and doing things as a family, has really blessed the lives of lenny and brenda, and because of their example, hopefully, brendas little brother will be getting baptized this weekend.... please pray for him, jared. he will need the help to man up to the challenge. well all is still great here in acapulco, just that we havent received any rain in this last week. it has been hard working, because in the 19 months of elder sarduy, he never had a hilly area, and thats all that i have had. so i had to wait for him a few times this week... it has been a little rough for me, to be waiting on a companion as im hiking up the hill, because usually they are waiting for me as they are practicaly running up the hills with their long legs! but now i have had to learn from that. we are still doing a lot of contacting to find more people to teach, and are doing ok. we have been finding about 13 people these last two weeks, but not many people are progressing, so we just keep contacting. we might have had some better success at the end of this last week, and during this week we will know how it went. on saturday we, as the entire mission, did a fast to receive the powers of heaven to find the chosen and elect sons and daughters of god in this week. a long topic, but i think it was a good fast. we, as a mission, have really been struggling to find a lot, like we were doing when i fisrt got here, i dont know if its that we arent as dedicated, or because we just are being challenged, but it has been rough to find. we just keep moving forward with faith. also acapulco may complete its monthly goal of baptisms this month for the first time in 2 years!!! haha. our goal is 14, and we have 10. so i ask that you all pray that we can work our tails off(you dont have to pray with that phrase) and help these people receive the holy ghost in their lives, as well as us complete our zone goal/promise with god.
well, elder sarduy and i have been working to fix some things that have been going wrong in our teaching, and little by little we are doing better. it is still taking a long time, but i think we will do ok in the end. by the way mom, next week we will have zone leader council on monday and have our p day on tuesday, so you wont get your letter until then.
betsy commented that you got together to do some canning, and that for the first time made me really happy! in all of mexico, im not sure about the rest of the world, but the leaders are really stressing the topic of self sufficiency. being able to handle things for ourselves, and being prepared. such as storing food, looking in the future with work, family, church etc. and many members arent doing that so we are trying to change things. it was touching that you all are following the council of the prophets to keep a food storage, and be prepared. in all the mission, president and sister spannaus got 72 hour kits in every home, we had to buy the materials, to be prepared for an emergency. it was a good lesson for everyone that tragedy can strike at any moment, and we need to be ready. may god bless you for your diligence, and obedience. well my time is about up, and and i still have to write president for the week, so i now have to say goodbye. love you all, and i thank your for your prayers and constant thoughts about the missionary work and us. take care!
elder brigham facer

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